On the Map of the Fourth Age Reunited Kingdom

By: Aragorn II E. Telcontar


This map came about from my love of Tolkien's work and wanting to start a cosplay and role playing group based around the Reunited Kingdom, the end of the Third Age and start of the Fourth Age. This led me to begin defining and discovering the realm of which I would be king of and the group would be living in, down to every last province, city, and border. In my search I began to see problems with every map I came across and their contradictions to what I had found in the text, such as lands given to the Kingdom that had not been said to be a part of it in the text. Along with this I had found many realms to be under the crown of the west that I had not previously known to be under the King of the West. All of this led to me wanting to make my own map and though I am no artist I set out on this quest with one goal in mind, make the most accurate map to the words of Tolkien’s kingdom I could on the whole of the kingdom. So now I come to you with my map and here in this text I will do my best to describe why the map looks as it does, and how I came to define these borders as they are. Sit back, have a glass of wine and a smoke of the halflings leaf while I tell you many tales in my quest, I do hope you enjoy.

The Map

My Map of the Reunited Kingdom showing its Two Kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor. Along with other parts that fall under the King of the West and the Reunited Kingdom including lands such as the vassal Kingdom of Rohan, and the dependent protectorates of the Shire, the Treegarth of Orthanc, and the Drúadan Forest, along with the colonies of Legolas in Ithilien and Gimli in the Glittering Caves. Lastly there are the independent realms under the Crown of the King of the West, these are the independent protectorates of the Kingdom of Dale and the Realm of the King under the Mountain. 

Map Key:

Red: Kingdom of Arnor

Blue: Kingdom of Gondor

Green: Vassal Kingdom of Rohan

Yellow: Dependent Protectorates of the Shire, the Tregarth of Orthanc, and the Drúadan Forest

Orange: Independent Protectorates of the Kingdom of Dale, and the Realm of the King Under The Mountain

Magenta: Colonies in the Reunited Kingdom the Glittering Caves and the Ithilien Elf Colony

Borders of Arnor the Northern Kingdom

Borders of Gondor the Southern Kingdom

Borders of Vassal Kingdom of Rohan

Borders of the Dependent Protectorates

Borders of the Independent Protectorates

Borders of the Colonies in the Kingdom

Final Notes and Later Lands

Draft Timeline of the Map

Reference Citations

Project Timeline