Berdir, Paladin of Ilúvatar

Herein lies the tales and conquest of Berdir, Paladin of Ilúvatar .

First account of Berdir

At the end of the battle of the Pelennor fields. Galnir of Gondor was merely 4 years old in Gondor, taking cover under a table whilst hearing the deafening screeches of the Nazgûl and the cries of men as they fled higher into the white city, as was being besieged. Holding on to the necklace of his long dead mother that died in childbirth, his fingers clinging onto it as dearly as he held her in his heart. The young Galnir waited for the end of the horrific battle that was occurring just outside his house. Once the long fight had stopped he would emerge out of the rubble on the lower ring of the city of Gondor. As he stepped out, he saw the decapitated corpse of his father who was protecting his son until the very end.  

Many months later, after the war of the ring ended and the coronation of King Elessar was held, the young Galnir was taken by the Followers of Ilúvatar as a new member of their secret religious order. They would begin his initiation by shaving his head and changing his name. Any trace of his original life would be lost to time, he would have only his mother's necklace to hold a shard of his previous life with, now being Berdir, the protector of man, having been baptized in the worship of Eru Ilúvitar his training began. The young Berdir would begin to pray to Ilúvatar and read manuscripts in the great libraries of Gondor to know of the wars of eras that had come and gone, the countless bloodshed. His time in the order and through his readings of the past would bring him later in life to reject all bladed weapons and so he learned to fight with at first a stick from a tree. Later on in life he would craft a hammer made of wood, putting in his work the necklace of his mother. Placing it upon the head of the hammer causing it to make a rattling noise when he walked or struck with the hammer. Berdir would live life through how he saw the life of his parents as a protector, his parents were there to protect him and now he uses their strength to protect man.

Later on once at the age of 22 Berdir would go out on missions for his order, being sent mostly on salvation missions to spread the good of Eru Ilúvatar and deliver food to famished lands of the reclaimed east and south. At one point he would enter into the secret mountain top temple of his order kneeling before the head of his order, wearing thick leather armor and a blue robe with fine chains holding it in place, and with his wooden hammer at his side and his devotion high, being a full on member of the order a Paladin of sorts and serving under the watch of his Grand Master. For Berdir he lives his life by two things, his hammer as it lives to protect the descendants of Númenor and his soul as it lives to serve Ilúvatar in the eyes of his order.